The mission of Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus (HMA-WC)


"To Train Young People For Eternity"



Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus is one of nine schools supported by the Hawaii Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.  As such, HMA-WC is part of a worldwide network of elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities.


The local governing body is the Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus board.  This board is composed of representatives of constituent Seventh-day Adventist churches, Castle Medical Center, the Hawaii Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

 Board meetings are generally held at the school on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 P.M.  All members of the school and constituent churches are welcome to attend the general session of these board meetings.  Further, any constituent member may, in accordance with the by-laws, suggest items for the board agenda and be present when these items are discussed.  Any regulations that are passed in the school board, as well as those determined and communicated by HMA-WC administration, are as binding as this handbook.




Admission procedures.  A completed registration includes the following:


         1.   Completed registration forms

         2.    Registration fees

         3.    1st month's tuition

         4.    Health card (form 14)

         5.    Cumulative file from previous school (new students only) which includes:

                         ** ITBS/standardized test scores

                         ** Reference from previous teacher

                         ** Previous school's release form


Financial considerations.  All financial arrangements must be met.


Birth certificate.  Students entering school for the first time are to present a document that indicates their date of birth.  This may be a birth certificate or a baptismal certificate.  Please note that HMA-WC requires an original certificate to be copied by the office.  The original certificate will be returned.


Nondiscrimination policy.  Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus admits students of any race, gender, religion, or cultural heritage to all the rights, privileges and activities generally accorded or made available to students at HMA-WC, and makes no discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, or cultural heritage in admission or education policies, applications for admission, scholarships or loan programs and extracurricular programs.


Physical examination.  Physical examinations are required for all new students and those entering grade seven.  The following immunizations are required:


  • Poliomyelitis vaccine
  • Measles (Rubeolla) vaccine
  • Rubella vaccine (German Measles)
  • Mumps vaccine
  • Diphtheria pertussis and tetanus (DPT)
  • T.B. skin test or chest x-ray

A parent/guardian may request an exemption from receiving the listed immunizations for their son/daughter(s) by:

  • Submitting a physician's written statement which states that the student is medically exempt as a result of having had the disease; or
  • Submitting a signed statement from the parent that requests an exemption due to personal beliefs.




Registration packets are available at the school office.  A completed application for each student is required every year.


Kindergarten placement


The minimum age requirement for Kindergarten is 5 years of age by December 31st of the current calendar year.  The Kindergarten program is designed to prepare students for the First Grade.

First gade placement


We admit students to 1st grade if they are 6 years of age by December 31st of the current calendar year.


Placement considerations


The first few years of school are very important in a child's school experience.  It is during these first years that a child develops a self-image as a student.  A successful beginning school experience is vital to the development of positive self-esteem.  The school staff is available to aid each parent in making decisions for his/her child's first school experience.

Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus reserves the right to administer grade placement tests to any pupil.  The results of the test are used to help determine the grade in which the pupil will be placed.  The final decision to grade placement is left to the school staff and principal.


Financial Information

General financial information.  Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus is supported in part by tuition payments, by the Seventh-day Adventist churches of Windward Oahu, and by the Hawaii Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, which is composed of churches throughout the entire state of Hawaii.  The five constituent churches that provide major financial support to HMA-WC are the Hauula, Kailua, Kaneohe, Waiola, and Waimanalo churches.


Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus, like any business, needs a steady cash income in order to meet its monthly financial obligations; therefore, it cannot allow student tuition accounts to become overdue.  Please don't hesitate to come in and discuss your financial situation if an unforeseen emergency arises.  Your pastor and church can often assist in emergencies or in unusual circumstances.

Tuition policies and procedures


  • Before a student is enrolled in school, the parent or guardian must accept financial responsibility for the student by signing a Financial Agreement, which is part of the student application. Tuition statements will be mailed monthly.  Payment is due on the 1st of each month and delinquent after the 10th of each month.
  • If a student account becomes 30 days past due, services may be withheld until the account is paid in full.  Student accounts must be current or being paid in accordance with an approved plan for the student to start each new quarter.
  • Students may not register until the previous year's account is paid in full.
  • Students transferring from another private school must have their previous accounts fully paid before enrolling at HMA-WC.
  • If a parent withdraws a student before the end of the school year, or enters during the year, tuition charges will be prorated on a daily basis.
  • Accounts for 8th grade students must be current in order for them to participate in their 8th grade trip.
  • A student account must be paid in full in order for the 8th grade student to receive his/her diploma.
  • All fees that pertain to the student are due at registration time.  The yearly registration fee must be paid in full before students will be allowed to attend class. 




When an account becomes more than 30 days past due, a notification letter will be sent to the student's parent/guardian.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to come to the school and make payments in full.  If the parent/guardian is unable to meet the monthly tuition payments in a timely manner, the responsible party needs to submit a plan for making the payments.  They are advised to contact their pastor and see if financial support may be available from their local church.


Delinquent accounts will be reviewed quarterly.  Education services may be withheld pending approval of a payment plan.  Accounts that are more than 60 days past due without a payment plan agreement may be sent to collections.





If a student needs scholarship support, first contact your Pastor.  If more scholarship money is needed, see the principal of the school.


Tuition charges and fees


  • Bank charges for returned checks will be charged back to the students account.
  • Parent requested placement tests are $25.
  • An early registration fee discount is available for the coming year if paid by they end of the current school year.
  • As a convenience Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus accepts Visa and MasterCard as a form of payment.



  • A $5.00 discount per student will be given if the account is kept current and the monthly payment is received on time.
  • Family discounts for the monthly tuition are as follows.
    • 2nd child                 $15
    • 3rd child                  $30
    • 4th child                  $45




       For the current tuition rate see the insert in the registration packet.


General Information



Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus offers training to children in Kindergarten through grade eight.  The curriculum is approved by the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.


Insurance coverage


Christian Educators Insurance Trust, Policy #CEB 08000, is a primary insurance coverage if parents do not have any private insurance.




Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus has been tested and is asbestos free.  Documentation is in the school office.


Parent/Teacher conference


After the close of the first and third quarter, special days are set aside on the school calendar for parent/teacher conferences for grades K-8.  All parents are requested to attend both Parent/Teacher Conferences.


Conferences outside of these times can be arranged on an individual basis for students at any level.  If parents wish to meet with the teacher, you must contact the school office and request a time when both parents and the teacher can meet. 





Students must attend class regularly to meet the academic and social criteria set for them by the State of Hawaii, the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and the Hawaii Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.


  • The only excusable absence (truancy) is illness, unavoidable medical/dental appointments, or a death in the immediate family.
  • The student's parent or guardian should send a written note to the homeroom teacher or call the school office to explain why their child was absent or tardy.
  • Written excuses do not need to come from a physician or dentist.
  • Students who have been absent or tardy may, at the teacher's discretion, be required to complete work they have missed.   Generally, a teacher will allow one extra day to complete required work for each day the student has missed.
  • Parents anticipating family vacations or other absences must contact the teacher at least one week in advance of departure to request their child's required work assignments.  This work should be completed before or during the period of the absence.
  • Students who are enrolled at HMA-WC are expected to participate in the following programs: 
    • The annual Christmas program
    • Five Education Sabbath church programs
    • The annual May Day program

          Music/Bible grades will be determined, in part, by participation in these programs.

  • Students who miss more than 15% of required class time may receive an F in the course work that is missed.



  • At the end of each regular school quarter, each student will receive a report card indicating the number of days the student was present and absent.  No distinction will be made between "excused" and "unexcused" absences or tardies on this form.


Field trips


Field trips, planned specifically for children at each grade level, are part of the educational experience at HMA-WC.


  • Parent chaperones are needed on many of the trips.  All accompanying parents are chaperones and are there to supervise the students in their care.  The responsibility of being a chaperone demands the full attention of the parent/adult in charge of their group.
  • Volunteer drivers for field trips must have a valid driver's license and be covered by a current auto insurance policy.
  • All students requiring booster seats must bring them for field trips.


School hours


The school is in session from 8:00 A.M. to 3:15 P.M., Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 A.M. to Noon on Friday.  Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during school hours.  Written permission must be given for release of students to anyone other than those listed on the emergency release forms.




Parents are welcome to visit a classroom if arrangements have been made with the teacher in advance.  A student visitor must be of elementary school age and receive permission from the teacher the day before the visit.  A visit of more than one day must be cleared in advance with the school Administration.       A written consent to treatment letter must be completed before a visitor is welcome to participate in off campus activities.

Standards of conduct


  • All pupils are entitled to gain an education.  Any action, behavior, or practice which interferes with this will be handled by the teacher in charge.  Standards of courtesy, decency, morality, proper language, honesty, and wholesome relationships with others shall be established.  All persons will show respect for real or personal property.
  • Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus students will be courteous and treat others as they want to be treated.  Each student and adult will have an equal opportunity to participate in all phases of school life without fear of intimidations, threats, coercion, disruption, or exposure to foul language.  Each person shall be treated with respect and as a person of worth.
  • Each student must conduct himself so as to favorably represent the God who created him.  Any practice that tends to nullify a Christian atmosphere or defeat the purpose of the school is unacceptable.
  • Each student must be respectful and obedient to all adults.  Respect and consideration will be shown to faculty, staff, peers and guests at all times.
  • Students must respect school property, the property of others, observe all campus safety rules, and keep the grounds and buildings clean and free from markings.
  • Students are not to use foul language or tell inappropriate stories.
  • The use or possession of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, drugs and gambling devices is prohibited at all times.
  • No firearms and weapons of any kind are allowed on the school campus.
  • Students must be on time for classes and appointments.
  • An attitude of respect and reserve is to be maintained between boys and girls.
  • Major offenses for our school shall include, but not be limited to:
    • Vandalism
    • Physical assault
    • Chemical abuse
    • Sexual misconduct
    • Cheating
    • Theft

       Such offenses will result in an immediate "out of school" suspension pending resolution of the problem, which may include a recommendation for dismissal from school.

Consequences of violating the standards of conduct and the grievance process


When a student violates a standard of conduct, the matter may first be dealt within the student's classroom.  As such, a student may be referred to the office for administrative action depending on severity and frequency of the offense.


Parents will be notified when their child refuses to respond to correction.  When a student is facing disciplinary action from the school, the parents have the option of initiating a grievance process with the school board.


Citizenship Program


In order to actively inform parents about their child's behavior, a Citizenship Grade Program has been established.


Every student will start the quarter with 100 points/percent.  They will be given a citizenship grade that will be included in their weekly progress report.  If points have been lost during the week, the report will also have a statement explaining reasons for the points lost.  The grade scale is as follows:  100-97/A+, 96-93/A, 92-90/A-, 89-88/B+, 87-82/B, 81-80/B-, 79-78/C+, 77-72/C, 71-70/C-, 69-68/D+, 67-62/D, 61-60/D-, 59 and below/F.  


This grade becomes part of the student's permanent school record and is recorded on his/her quarterly grade report.


A point system has been made for the following offenses:


  1. 20 points-MAJOR OFFENSES *All offenses in this category will result in a conference with parents, an immediate suspension, and a loss of points.
    1. Physical abuse (Fighting, punching, biting, kicking, verbal, etc.)
    2. Chemical abuse (Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, etc.)
    3. Sexual misconduct
    4. Cheating
    5. Theft
    6. Vandalism
    7. Fire (Matches, lighter, etc.)
  2. 10 points
    1. Defiance of authority
    2. Inappropriate language
    3. Lying
    4. Bullying
    5. I-pod and cell phone misuse
  3. 5 points
    1. Name calling
    2. Misuse of school/church property (for example, computers, stereos, TV, etc.)
    3. Not wearing proper school uniforms.  (Slippers, sandals, T-shirts under uniforms, or other clothing besides the approved school attire, etc.)
  4. 3 points    Gum, jewelry, inappropriate reading material, electronic games, heelies, skates/skateboards, scooters, waveboards, DVD players, or other inappropriate items prohibited by a teacher or the school.  If a teacher sees any of the items listed above in a student's possession without proper permission, it will be immediately taken and possibly confiscated.


I-Pods or I-Pod like devices - These items are not to be brought to campus for any reason.  If seen before, during, or after school they will be taken and not returned to the student.  This includes recess/physical education periods and personal study time.  If taken, parents can pick them up from the teacher and will be asked to not allow their child to bring them again.  If they are taken away from a student a second time, the parents will be called but the item will not be returned until the end of the school year.


Cell phones-If brought to school.  Cell phones must be turned off when the student enters campus and placed into a book bag or locker.  If a teacher sees a cell phone during school hours it will be taken and returned only to a parent.  Phones may be turned on and used only after school is dismissed.  All calls that need to be made during the school day are to be made with teacher and/or office secretary permission, using the phones in the office.


On the first offense, the cell phone will be taken from the student and only given to the parent when they come to pick it up.  On the second offense the parent will be called by the office to come and pick up the cell phone and have a conference with the teacher.  On the third offense the parent will be called and the student will receive a minimum one-day suspension from school.  Each of these infractions will also result in an appropriate amount of points being removed from the student's citizenship grade.  Any further problems with cell phones and the student will be taken before the School Board for further disciplinary action.


When a student has lost 20 points, bringing their percentage to 80, he/she will immediately lose privileges.  For example, they will not be able to attend a field trip, participate in a class party, and go on the class trip.  A parent/teacher conference will be scheduled to discuss the student's behavior and the severity of the consequences if this behavior continues.


When a student has lost an additional 20 points, which would bring their percentage to 60% the parents will be notified and the student will be given at least a one-day suspension.  The student and parents will be reminded that the loss of another 10 points (50%) will not only add another day of suspension, but their child's behavioral issues will be taken to the School Board for discussion which may result in the expulsion of the student.   Please note that a student may be taken to the principal any time a teacher feels that their classroom discipline is not working and that they need help with a discipline situation.


Students will be given the opportunity to earn points back by volunteering to do some community service projects.  Students will need to make arrangements with their teacher for this work.  The amount of points given will be at the discretion of the teacher.


NOTE:  Once lost, points will be VERY HARD TO EARN BACK!!!   


Dress Code


Complete HMA-WC uniforms are mandatory for each school day.  Uniforms should be neat, clean and sized appropriately to the student.  Students who come to school without the proper attire will be considered unprepared for school and will not participate in school activities until the dress infraction is corrected.


  • Uniforms can be purchased at Campus Creations, 98-025 Hekaha Street, #201A, Aiea. Ask the store clerk for an approved list of uniform items for Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus. HMA-WC logo t-shirts can be purchased from Campus Creations, to be worn as an option on Friday only.
  • When students participate in Education Sabbath and other programs where the Aloha uniform is required, they will wear the shirt (boys) or dress (girls) to be purchased through the school's office. Boys should also wear Khaki long pants with dress shoes. Girls are to wear dress shoes or sandals.
  • In the interest of safety, modesty and simplicity, students are not permitted to wear jewelry (bracelets, rings, chains, earrings, body art, etc.) while on campus or during any school related functions. Students may wear watches and medical ID tags.
  • Students should refrain from excessive use of makeup. Nail polish is acceptable only in clear.
  • Hair should be kept clean and neatly groomed at all times. Hairstyles that attract undue attention or that create a distraction for the student or the class are not permitted.
  • Hats are not to be worn in the classrooms.
  • No T-shirts or shorts are to be worn under the school uniform.


The faculty, staff and school board reserve the right to make interpretations and decisions relating to student dress and appearance.


Standards of classroom behavior


Classroom teachers may send home his/her own rules that are in addition to standards of conduct listed in this handbook.


Current address and phone numbers


Please help us protect your children from needless delay in case of an accident by making sure that all emergency information is updated and on file in the school office.




Students will be allowed to place calls or be called to the phone only for a genuine emergency.  The school phone is for business use only.  Cell phones are not to be on during school hours. 


Progress reports are issued at the end of each of four grading periods. First period grades are issued to parents during Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences. Subsequent quarter grades will be mailed. 


I = Achieves objectives and performs skills independently                                                      

P = Progressing toward achieving objectives and skills                                                                                                             

NT = Needs more time to develop


Grades 1-8

A = Superior

B = Above Average

C = Average

D = Unsatisfactory

F = Failure


Midterm progress reports are issued approximately halfway through each quarter.  Parents of all students are encouraged to remain in close contact with the classroom teacher regarding their child(ren)'s progress.



Care of school and individual property


Students are to take good care of school, church, and other student's property both inside and outside of the building.   Students will be expected to pay for the replacement of damaged property or materials for which they are responsible.

The school takes no responsibility for books, clothing, money or other personal property left by anyone on the school grounds or in the school building.


Home and School Association


Similar to the PTA in the public school system, the Home & School Association is maintained by the parents and teachers of the church and school committee.  Several meetings and activities are planned during the school year.  This organization has proved to be a valuable asset to our school.  Your participation and support is encouraged to:

  • Unify activities of the home and school
  • Assist with school activities for each classroom
  • Give leadership to fund-raising activities that provide special equipment or services for the school
  • Provide a forum for discussion of problems of the home and school
  • Help plan and assist with school functions such as Fall Festival, Christmas Program, May Day Program, etc.


Sexual harassment


Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus is committed to providing a school environment free from sexual harassment for all students.  Incidents of harassment should be reported in accordance with these procedures so school authorities may take appropriate action.  Students who sexually harass others are subject to discipline up to and including dismissal.




Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances or other conduct of sexual nature, which is offensive.  It can be spoken, written, or physical behavior.  It includes offensive pictures, graffiti, jokes, gestures, foul or inappropriate language and stories.


Reporting and procedures


Students who have experienced sexual harassment shall report the incident to school authorities as soon as possible.  If the harassment is between students, the students shall report the incident to the classroom teacher.



Grievance procedure


Because communication sometimes breaks down and can result in misunderstandings, a grievance procedure has been established.  The student is our primary concern.  Therefore, the following steps are offered with this in mind.  It is recommended that the steps be followed in sequence.


Step one.  A parent/teacher conference should be held in order to identify the problem and isolate the facts.  This first step should resolve the majority of problems.  Parents should not approach teachers during the school day unless cleared through the office.


Step two.  A parent/teacher conference with the principal may be held if the concerns remain unresolved at the first meeting.


Step three.  Before further action is taken, a second parent/teacher/principal conference may be held with the problem area stated in written form.


Step four.  Any unresolved problems may be brought before an applicable committee of the school board.  Such a meeting may be called by the parent through the principal or the school board chairman.  Any results of any such committee action will be reviewed by the full school board in executive (closed) session.


Natural disasters


HMA-WC will follow the lead of the local Department of Education in case of any emergency and/or disaster.  Listen to the radio or TV.  HMA-WC will remain closed if an emergency is detected.


Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus is in a low risk zone according to the Oahu Civil Defense Agency, 523-4121.  In the event of an emergency, all teachers, supervisors and support personnel will provide for the safety of our students, until such a time as parents can safely come and claim their children.  When the parent arrives, the child will be released into parental custody.  In the event that Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus must evacuate we will take our students to one of the following three evacuation areas:


Kailua Elementary School, 266-7878, 315 Kuulei Rd., Kailua, HI

Kailua District Park, 266-7652, 21 S. Kainalu Dr., Kailua, HI

Kailua Inter. School, 263-6500, 145 S. Kainalu Dr., Kailua, HI


When the principal is present at the school, he will direct all emergency actions that need to be taken.  In his absence, a designated teacher will be in charge.




If a parent needs the assistance of a teacher to give medications to a student, the parent must send a signed written note with clear instructions.




The school reserves the right to send children home if they feel the child is sick or contagious.  It is important that parents keep their children home if he/she is sick.  Parents put students and staff at risk when they allow sick children to attend class.

Extended care


Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Campus offers an extended care program for those parents who need before and/or after-care for their children.  Before-care begins at 7 AM.  No students should arrive before that time.  Once on campus, students are to check in with the supervising staff and remain in the supervised areas.  Our afternoon extended care time is from 3:30 P.M. until 5:30 P.M.  All children must be picked up by 5:30 PM.  When school is dismissed at noon, the extended care program begins at 12:15 P.M.  The extended program will not be involved in any fundraising activities.  No student will be transported off campus during the extended time program.  A special program is not provided for handicapped persons.  Faculty and staff will direct students who are signed up in the after-care program to the after-care personnel.  Students who have not left the campus by 12:15 P.M. on half days or 3:30 P.M. Monday-Thursday will be automatically enrolled in the after-care program.  Charges are assessed for any portion of a half hour of extended care. 


A $25 penalty fee will be charged for each student who is not picked up by 5:30 PM.  This fee will be in addition to the regular half hour charges.


For current extended care rates see the insert in your registration packet.